Greene County Jail Renovation and Addition
The expansion and renovation of the Greene County Jail provided for a more functional and secure facility. The renovation of approximately 24,000 SQ FT included video visitation, nurse’s office, expanded dispatch, relocated central control center, laundry and storage, and programing. Th new 32,000 SQ FT addition included a new sallyport, new intake/booking, new secure corridor, new raised pod for controls, and new housing and recreation areas.
AEC-ME was responsible for all mechanical and electrical engineering designs necessary for the scope of work. Mechanical design services included rework/replacement of existing system. The designs were made to reuse equipment that is in appropriate condition. The expansion included new heating, cooling, and ventilation systems aimed toward meeting the budget and saving the owner utility costs. Electrical design services included power distribution, interior and exterior lighting, and lighting controls. Technology system designs
included device placement for voice/data, security, audio/visual, and access control. Construction budget was $14.8M.